We mostly think hiring a cleaning service is a total luxury. And, in truth, it kind of is. After all, it means someone else will be taking care of all of that work you just don’t love or have the time to do. Still, it also happens to be a luxury that you might be able to afford more easily than you thought. And if that’s the case, what’s stopping you? A lot of people have guilt about hiring someone to come in to clean. But when you run your business, it can save you tons of time to dedicated towards growing your business than cleaning it.
But the truth is: the person who comes to clean your home is almost always happy to have the job. And do you feel guilt when you eat out instead of cooking at home? Or when you hire a professional cleaning service instead of doing it yourself?
Here are 10 great reasons why you should hire a professional cleaning company even if you could probably do it yourself.
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1. You don’t need to invest in and store cleaning supplies
Cleaning the entire business requires so many different cleaners. You need one cleaner for the bathroom tile, one for the mirrors, another for the toilet, and one more for the grout… And that’s just for the bathroom. A lot of professional cleaners, however, bring their own supplies (including micro-fibre cloths, mops, and vacuum cleaners), which saves you money and the hassle of having to stock up and store cleaners. Trying to go green? There are plenty of cleaners out there who can clean your facility from top to bottom using chemical-free products.
2. High Dusting and those cobwebs
Let’s review the things in your office that need to be dusted: The tops of tables, table legs, mirrors, art and picture frames, lamps, lamp shades, hanging light fixtures, bookshelves, the books on those bookshelves, every single decorative item on every single table and shelf, window sills, the television, ceiling fans, blinds, the top of your refrigerator, underneath your refrigerator… basically every single thing in your office that has a surface. If you’re exhausted just reading that list, just think for a second about how exhausting it is to actually do all of that dusting. Not only that cleaning is a special task that requires an effort to point out the corners where spiders can easily build a web.
3. The Back Breaking Baseboards
One of the most missed out tasks on a cleaning list is: Baseboards. They don’t seem to be important since they’re not the one people can touch and feel. However, the baseboards are where pet hair and dust and scuff marks gather, which can make even the cleanest place seem dirty. The good news is once the baseboards are clean, your walls and floor will look cleaner as a result. The bad news is this isn’t just a dusting or quick vacuuming situation. To really get your baseboards clean, a wet cloth and cleaning solution are often required. And more than that bring your back, hands and knees. Oh! also: time.
4. Difficult high traffic bathrooms without proper equipment?
Did you know you’re supposed to scrub your toilet once a day and your bath/shower every week? Cleaning the bathroom also means wiping out sinks and faucets with cleaner, cleaning mirrors, scrubbing counters, sweeping/mopping the floor, and emptying the wastepaper basket. Even if you have a professional cleaner come in to help, you’ll need to do some of this in between visits, but just think about how nice it would be not to have to scrub the shower walls ever again? How about those men’s urinal bowls? CBF Management has a (Patent pending) cleaning system that is specifically designed to disinfect bathrooms, make them look cleaner and smell nicer.
5. Door Knobs, Handles, and Switches
Germs just love these places. That’s right! It’s all of the doorknobs, cabinet handles, and light switches. And yet, be honest: How often do you clean them with a disinfecting wipe? Probably not at least once a week which is how often you’re supposed to… Good thing we have a team of professionals that will make sure to do it for you.
6. Floors, Waxing, Scrubbing and Burnishing Get commercial cleaning quotes!
Vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, stripping, waxing, burnishing and so on… It probably seems like no matter how often you do it, it’s not enough. And like it’s a fairly thankless job. Still, whether you have carpet, hardwood, tile, or linoleum, a thorough cleaning your floors needs to happen at least once every one to two weeks in order in order to remove the everyday accumulation of dirt and keep it from building up. Again, of course this is something you could do yourself—that’s not the point. The point is: Do you really want to? And do you really want to invest in heavy equipment required?

7. A Professional Will Do a Better Job Than You (I am sorry)
Too harsh? Sorry, but still… it’s probably true. Because while you might be an expert with the mop or a dusting ninja, the truth is, there are probably things you are better at on your business. But just like how you do the very best at your job, that’s what a professional will do when he or she comes to clean your place.
8. You’ll Appreciate Your Business in a New Way
Having some extra time in hand than cleaning the floors, can make you appreciate your business in a new way. Much like how a sandwich tastes ten times better when someone else makes it, a spotless office feels ten times better when someone else cleans it.
9. You’re Busy making your business grow
There are a million reasons your schedule is probably packed. You work long hours, you’re taking care of your family, there’s a passion project you really want to achieve this year, just don’t have time and energy to invest in cleaning your offices and possibly others’ offices. Whatever the reason, hiring a professional to help you clean means cutting yourself some slack and giving yourself a break. Which will automatically alleviate some stress.
10. Time is Money and Money is livelihood
Yes, you can clean your office yourself and you may even have the time to do so, but a lot of professional services will do it for you at an affordable rate. This leaves you with time in hand to really focus on things you want to do.