So What is included in Cleaning the House Post Construction? Renovation cleanup often includes: Extensive Window Cleaning, Removing dirt, dust, paint, left over scuff marks from all surfaces including walls, doors, door frames, window frames, floors, carpet. Vacuuming and dusting Kitchen Cabinets, Bathrooms and Bedroom woodwork, fixtures, lights, and appliances. Cleaning the, baseboards, mouldings, frames, and door knobs.
What area do we cover in Lower Mainland BC?
Anywhere from North Vancouver to Hope including North Delta, Burnaby, New West, Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Tri Cities.
How to find a good cleaning company that fits your needs?
The best way to find a cleaning company is to check the professionalism of the company. For example, do check out demo of our work in this digital era: How to Clean